The charisma of fresh and flavorsome curries for vegetarians, are well catered for with plenty of choices. An impressive number of chicken, crab, lamb and sea food dishes are listed, with the staffs are pleasant and helpful when assisting diners with their choices. From continental breakfast buffet to choices of multi-ethnic food will embrace your taste buds to compliment your vacation.
Dhow Buffet
Spread well on the lawns of the Resort the grounded dhow has been creatively decorated to serve dinner buffets on the beach. Thatched roofing and essence of light gives the feeling of an organized served traditional waterfront shack.
Flamingo Café
A dedicated well furnished newly made café gives the impression of an originating love story being the menu a much more conventional affair. The Flamingo Café has been a favored for food and wine lovers, and consistently offers some of the city’s best service.
Though sophisticated, yet unusually for Flamingo Café in mostly youth-oriented entertainment district, the clientele here spans the generations from young to old, in much the same way as a traditional country pub.
Beach Bar
A vacation experience to explore relaxing on a high counter bar stool close to the beach, surrounded by plush gardens, calm blue waters, fun sun and a thatched roof to remind how well you would enjoy your holiday.